Quality Walk

Derrynoyd River Trail

A circular route following a gravel forest trail through conifer and native woodland, and for a part along the River Moyola.




0.9 miles

OS Map


Nearest Town


Route Shape


Route Type

Forest, Riverside, Woodland


Gravel paths

Grid Reference (Start)


Grid Reference (End)


Point of Interest

Moyola River, Derrynoyd Bridge

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


Route Description

The walk is an easy stroll and comprises of a stoned pathway among native and coniferous woodland and riverside. Follow the green and yellow waymarkers from the car park, completing the walk in an anticlockwise direction.

The woodland is a mix of planted Noble Fir, Oak and Beech with a natural understorey of Bramble, Holly, Ivy and Wood Sorrel. The wood has a good ground flora with woodland plants being present including Wood Anemone, Primrose, Buttercup and a variety of fungi. It is host to a range of bird species alongside bats, grey squirrel, fox and badger. The close proximity to the river greatly enhances the biodiversity which offers fine views of the river and the ‘big bridge’ Derrynoid Bridge.

Getting to the Start (by Public Transport)

Translink - journeyplanner.translink.co.uk

Getting to the Start (by Car)

Take the Derrynoyd Road from the village of Draperstown, the car park is on the left 1km after the outskirts of the village.


Dogs are allowed. Dogs to be kept under control

Accessibility Grade

Grade 4


Parking area present


Gateway to the Sperrins - A Guide for Walkers

Publication Availability

Available for download from this page

Walk Location
Map of Northern Ireland
Image Gallery