Silent Valley Nature Trail
The nature trail is the site of the old railway line that linked Annalong with the Silent Valley reservoir. Visitors can stop at the picnic spot close to the Kilkeel River. Excellent for sightings of wildlife, wild flowers and bird watching. Along the length of the trail you will find signal signs that give you additional information about the area.
1.5 miles
OS Map
Sheet 29
Nearest Town
Route Shape
Route Type
Riverside, Woodland
Easy walking path
Grid Reference (Start)
Grid Reference (End)
Point of Interest
Spectacular mountain views, highly accessible
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Route Description
Facing up the Silent Valley towards the reservoir take the footpath at the top left hand side of the main car park. Proceed a short distance over a bridge to a point at which a number of paths intersect. An interpretive panel marks the beginning of the Nature Trail which you then follow down to a picnic site by the Kilkeel River., followng the course of the old railway line. Here you can cross the river and make your way back walking along the oppostite side which takes you throug scrub, heath and newly planted oakwoodland.
Getting to the Start (by Public Transport)
Translink - journeyplanner.translink.co.uk
Getting to the Start (by Car)
Starting point is from the main car park at the Silent Valley Reservoir.
Toilet facilities are located in the main car park and there is an information centre and coffee shop nearby. Picnic tables can be found at the end of the Nature Trail at the banks of the Kilkeel River.
Leaflet available from Mourne Heritage Trust's website www.mournelive.com and Silent Valley Security Office.
Publication Availability
Mourne Heritage Trust Office, 87 Central Promenade, Newcastle Tel: 028 4372 4059